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  • 3 Quotes To Help You Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

3 Quotes To Help You Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

Motivational quotes and sayings have always struck an emotional response in my body ever since I was a youngin. Creating sensations and feelings within myself to become my best, and to optimize my life, and to remind me of my infinite power which is within all of us. Here are 3 quotes that have me recently,

#1. Friedrich Nietzsche: "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."

  • Having a strong, and secure “why” can give one the sense of confidence to go out and do what needs to be done. Paying no mind to those around you who are pulling you down, and those who are taking me away from my goals due to their own self reflection projections. Secure yourself in your daily doings to discover WHY it is you do what you do. Everything is done for a reason. Everything is connected. Don’t be an NPC with no life! You are human, and you have purpose here. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself!

#2. Confucius (Kong Qiu): "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

  • Life knocks you down way more than you expect. From those around you to your own thoughts and actions, but everyday is a new chance to change and to make greater choices than the day before. Just like the sun needs to set everyday, there is no second thought the sun will shine tomorrow. No matter what clouds or obstructions are ahead of it. It shines brightly no matter what. It is your purpose to rise and shine brightly. It is in the moments we are weak, and we make the choice to continue, is what makes you strong.

#3. Alan Watts: “The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.”

  • Having a repetitive cycle in life can be structural and give one a sense of foundation and routine. But often times we lose ourselves in the daily task of just trying to get things done. Being conscious of your daily task and not letting yourself become victim to the problems is what allows you to make correct changes, and bring more life into your mundane tasks. Life is forever changing, that is the only constant thing in this world. Its temporary, and that is what makes it so much more beautiful.